Arturo Persenota NORMeOLi - The Nature of Reality and the Meaning of Life

N O R Me O Li
The Nature Of Reality and the Meaning Of Life
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- Concluding the philosophical foundations of an all-encompassing belief system through rational reasoning, without the need for miracles or revelations…

- A future-proof rebuttal of materialism using a new scientifically compatible (and science-proof) model of reality…

- Distillation of the relevant message of the New Testament - the good, the bad, and the ugly; what the creator most likely meant to convey to humanity in Jesus - a radically new, heretical interpretations of what 'Christianity' ought to be…

The fear of facing having been wrong all along is probably the greatest obstacle to searching for the truth. NORMeOLi guides the reader through a scenario of reality that will most likely end up being the closest to the eventual unfolding reality.

NORMeOLi's logically concluded all-encompassing belief system refutes Atheism, Materialism, and Naturalism (also just mere belief systems), and concludes the most likely purpose and meaning of our life. NORMeOLi does not rely on miracles of any scriptures and highlights major misunderstandings in tenets of a major world religion that it deems closest to its conclusions. Its radical model of reality reconciles religious belief with scientific knowledge, however, not as traditional proponents of either side would suspect. What more can one hope for, and what less can one settle for?

NORMeOLi stands for Nature Of Reality and the MEaning Of LIfe. The writing consists of two main parts: the Apparent Objective Dogma (AOD), and the Corroborating Revelation (CR). Under the AOD, I conclude an all-encompassing belief system that can answer all the existential questions one can typically encounter and, ultimately, the meaning of life. I strive to stay objective by rationally reasoning, using only the most basic inputs of the conscious mind that should be available to most people, if not everyone, and not by accepting or rejecting existing dogmas from already existing systems of beliefs. For me, the objectivity of a system of beliefs is its theoretical applicability to all of humanity, in all possible situations, throughout history, and into the future.

The part 'AOD' defines the criteria for assessing the validity and the likelihood of correctness of any belief system's tenets. The 'CR' concludes which religion’s description of reality is the closest match to the eventual unfolding of reality, as concluded by the AOD – this practically answers the question: which existing religion best represents the most likely eventual unfolding relaity (or, which religion is the ‘true’ religion worth believing in?)

'Distilling' the Essence of the New Testament - what Jesus's message must have been, from the writings of the New Testament. Highlighting what is considered relevant, what is in alignment, and what are the incompatibilities and issues with NORMeOLi philosophical conclusions...

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